Sunday, May 20, 2007

Birthday Boys Redux!

Happy birthday to my two May babies. We miss you, Chris! There will be lots of pictures elsewhere of Jasper's birthday celebration, but here are some from our favorite traditional bithday location - our dining room.



It's nice that Ellis is still at an age where a giant Mother's Day balloon is all he needs to keep him happy.


Woof, woof little puppy!


And now a few pictures from the archives of other fourth birthdays. Here's our other birthday boy in the same dining room. But where's the moon bounce, the pinata, etc.? At least he had lots of decorations on top of his cake.


Jasper's mom on her fourth birthday with a very Jasper-like expression on her face.


Don't ask me who all the guests are - the only one I recognize is Angie, who lived behind us.


Perhaps I did overdo the Snoopy theme way back when.


I might have more pictures from Nat Nat's fourth birthday if someone hadn't absconded with some of the pictures from that part of the relevant picture album. Apparently we had a Halloween costume party with a treasure hunt as part of it. I recognize Stacey and the two Fenstermacher (sp?) girls from next door.

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