Saturday, March 31, 2007

Cute Babies

Twin foals born earlier this month at the Sea Pines stables. According to the Packet, twin births are extremely rare in horses, and having them both survive even rarer. I took these pictures while we were in Sea Pines for the house tour. The two litle fillies really are cute, but not as cute as two little boys I know!

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

No More Sweaters...

Since Anne has totally left me in the dust when it comes to knitting sweaters for the boys, I have turned my efforts to pillow covers, which we probably need even less than Ellis needs multiple sweaters. But anyway. This is my first effort - easy to knit but fairly tough to sew together. I wish my camera took better pictures, but if it did, then you would see all the questionable seams!

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