More birdlife in Hilton Head
We saw this bird (duck?) near a pond in Queen's Grant last weekend while taking a walk. I went back the next day to take his (her?) picture. He's even more odd-looking when he's walking around and his topknot is standing up. Perfectly tame, though, and used to having his picture taken, I think.

Some of his not-quite-mallard friends.

A bald eagle sitting in the middle of the 11th fairway! He's that tiny dot on the other side of the lagoon. I got a little closer and took a couple of other pictures, but they were pathetically blurry. (I had run home to get the camera and then run down to the lagoon and was breathing pretty hard.) Anyway, it really was an eagle - he looked very odd just sitting there in the grass.

the grass doesn't look very good in that last photo, what's going on?
That's just dormant winter grass - it's starting to green up now.
that duck thing is strange! i wonder what it tastes like.. mmm..
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