Thanksgiving Adventure (Photos courtesy of Nathalie)
The story begins with Jasper sitting very quietly at the table as we begin our Thanksgiving dinner. But he would soon grow restless, and, as has been recounted elsewhere, would soon end up locked in Grandma and Granddaddy's bathroom.

Granddaddy tries using a crochet hook to open the lock. (The tool designed for that purpose has long since been lost.)

Anne tries to get Jasper to turn the knob on his side. He halfheartedly tries but soon goes back to playing (with what, we're not sure, but we hear him making noise, and he appears to be enjoying himself).

Granddaddy begins to remove the door hinges.

Next, the lower hinge. This operation took a while, since the hinges had been painted closed.

A group effort to try to pull the door open from the hinged side. Anne tried to get Jasper to push from his side, but he was apparently having too much fun sliding the shower door back and forth.

Next we try the old slide the credit card (or Giant bonus card) in the space beside the lock trick. No luck.

The old hambone inserts herself into the picture as Anne tries a paper clip.

Finally, success! A coat hanger does the trick.

Exit Jasper, clutching Grandma and Granddaddy's toothbrushes and toothpaste and thoroughly pleased with himself!

Replacing door hinges.

You little devil!

[so much good here] The jasper/toothbrush picture is a very awesomep pic, but hambone takes the gold.
So funny! Excellent photos!
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