The Late Lamented J J Pepperonio's
My beloved deck overlooking the beach is now just a big pile of sand.

In the distance you can see the base for the new restaurant being built - way back in the corner near the hotel. What kind of view can you get from there??!!! On the other hand, I guess we'll still be able to gawk at weddings, receptions, etc., taking place on the outside deck.

The second set of steps and wheelchair ramp have also been removed, but they are apparently going to be rebuilt somewhere along here.

All the decking is being rebuilt and reconfigured. Presumably they're also going to spiff up this hot tub,which looks pretty ratty now. Though I don't have a picture, it looks like they're also going to try to block access from next door at Villamare - the wooden walkway has been removed. It will be interesting to see how the area looks this summer and if they try to keep us pool crashers out again.

Obviously you should start a grassroots organization to save jj pepperonios and restore order to this crazy world we call earth. Don’t hesitate one minute, get out there. Make picket sings, get a petition started, talk this thing up. It’s your responsibility as a concerned citizen and upstanding member of a fine community to stop this aggression before it takes over. Once a beloved tourist attraction will precipitously denigrate into the unsightly and unruly mess we know Hyatt is capable of. If we don't stop this now, what's next? They turn Alexander’s into a pizzeria uno? Say goodbye to mariner’s inn, hello cheesecake factory. Do it for the pizza mom, someone has to think of the pizza.
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